Cove Swim Day!!

Apparently I had some success in sleeping last night because today I'm in a fantastic mood!  Instead of my normal routine of staying up until midnight trying to get everything finished, I got off the computer last night around 10:15, got ready for bed, and then read for 20 minutes.  Once I got into bed, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  And even better is that I managed to sleep later this morning.  I've been waking up between 4 and 4:45 in the morning lately, but this morning I didn't wake up until 5:15.  I laid in bed until 7:30 and I didn't think that I slept more, but I may have because it didn't at all feel like I was awake for 2 hours and I am in a really great mood now!

And for whatever reason, I am REALLY looking forward to the cove swim tonight.  I have no idea why, but I'm just going with it.

But do you ever have those thoughts of "What if this is my last day on Earth?"  That thought popped into my head today. I guess it's not an unexpected thought at all because today is the anniversary of the death of the brother of a good friend of mine, so I've been talking to her about that.  If this does happen to be my last blog entry ever, know that I went doing my favorite workout--the Friday Cove swim and that I didn't regret a moment of it!  (Well, unless I am killed in an accident on the way to the cove and then know that I'm really pissed at whoever ran into me and denied me my final cove swim!) :)

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katieb said:

you're awesome Bri, and i am so glad it was NOT your last day on earth!

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