This is an entry

Last night, as every night, I was busy hanging out with friends.  There I was told that certain people won't link to my blog because I don't update it often enough.  So, once again, I'll try to attempt to update my blog more often.  My problem with doing so is

1)  I'm a perfectionist and want every post to be useful and interesting and contain all the relevant information about whatever I'm trying to say.  This means that even the seemingly simplest entries take hours to create.

2)  I'm ridiculously busy, so I don't have hours a day to write in here.

So we'll see--maybe I can compromise and find a way to get over my perfectionism and wanting create compelling material and just make quick posts more often.  Certainly posting the way I do means that some interesting things get lost.  I was all prepared to write a non-workout entry about how I'm in a total relationship funk and not interested at all in dating or anything.  Then I spent so long trying to think of the hows and whys of that and how to phrase my post in an interesting way that now it's not so relevant anymore.

So alright Ann--here's a post.  Will you please link me now? :)

(And I see that I started 2 paragraphs with the word "So", but in defiance of my perfectionism, I'm not gonna go back and change it!)

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Katie's Momma said:

Well Brian I linked to your Blog and I like it. Can't wait for to see you all in October for the Long Horn Half Iron!!!!!

ann marie said:

you've been linked!

Ryan said:

And this was what, draft three? Not counting the purely mental rewrites, of course...

Manasse said:

Write about the relationship stuff!!!!

Paul said:

So we'll be seeing blogs more often?

Registered User Author Profile Page said:

That's the plan! We'll see how it works. :)

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