Water Quality

One of the things that everyone kept mentioning about the Nation's Tri is how gross swimming in the Potomac River.  For the swim, they set up docks for us to get in and out of the water.  Those quickly started collecting all the flotsam and jetsam in the river, so by the time we got there, we found this:

FlotsamAndJetsam.jpgOkay--it looks bad, although truthfully, once we got in the water, it was fine.  Visibility was bad, but not the worst I've been in.  And I was again reminded of how much I like swimming in fresh water.  I even had my swim PR on this swim, even though I once again went off course and stopped a couple of times.  But more on that in my full race report later....

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Tauni said:

Yes, but have you been tested for whatever the Potomac may have contained, like Cholera? :)

Manasse said:

I feel fine after that swim. One of my arms fell off, but otherwise...I'm cool!

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This page contains a single entry by Brian G. posted on September 18, 2008 9:13 AM.

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