AFC Half Marathon

This morning I ran my first half marathon.  It was HOT--REALLY HOT!  A couple of days ago, the weather forecast called for a high of 78 today, but it's at least 86 degrees today with not a cloud in the sky.  It would have been alright if it had been cloudy (as it was for almost all of our training), but the sun broke out minutes before the start of the race and stayed strong all day. 

Our training over the past few months did really pay off though.  I felt pretty good at the end with some foot soreness, but no blisters.  I did get chaffed from my shorts, which never happened in training, but I think that may have happened because I was totally soaked from both sweating profusely and from pouring lots of water over my head.  My main complaint about the race is that none of the aid stations had anything cold.  There was no ice and the water they gave us had been sitting out and was pretty warm.  :(

Deb and I ran with Jenny Kressel and Lisa (a friend of hers) the entire way.  Jen Ferkins found us about halfway through and ran almost to the end with us.  We all kept each other motivated and moving the whole time.  We finished in 2:38:16, which was a little slower than we had planned.  We expected to finish in just under 2:30, but the heat just really slowed us down.  For details of our times, check out my motionbased page for the race.

We've already signed up for Carlsbad Half (in January) and La Jolla Half (in April).  We're planning to do AFC again next year too which will give us our triple crown next year!  Now I know I can do a half marathon.  I don't know about a full one though--that still seems pretty extreme...  But I'm not ruling it out. :)

Oh yeah, and yesterday on the bike, I set a new PR up Torrey Pines--6:59! 

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